Meaning and Origin of the Celtic name Allen
Allen is a great name with strong Celtic roots that had gained international popularity. The name Allen is a derivative of Allan from Scotland and Alan from England and Ireland.

One meaning of Allen is “little rock” from the Gaelic word ailin which is said to be derived from ail which means rock. Another possible meaning of Allen or Allan comes from Alauna, who may have been a Celtic and/ or Brittany river goddess.
Alauna means “to flow or to stream.” Allan Water is a famous river in central Scotland that is referenced in ballads and a Thomas Hardy novel. Other meanings of Allen include harmony or noble.
The popularity of Allen increased in the 1970s and has slowly declined in use over the years. Allen was the 915th most popular boys’ name in Scotland in 2017 with only 2 babies being given that name.
Famous People Called Allen
The popularity of Allen as an alternate spelling can be contributed to the American poet and writer, Allen Ginsberg, who gained recognition in the 1940s. Famous Scottish individuals with the first name Allan include trade unionist, Allan Findlay and a former footballer, Sandy Allan.