Meaning and Origin of the Name Monreo
The name “Monroe” is one that has a rich and historical meaning. The name Monroe is of Scottish/Gaelic origin. What is the meaning of Monroe? “From the river’s mouth.” the Latin meaning is “From the red marsh.” Today, it is considered to be primarily an American name.
It has commonly been a boy’s name, but in some rare instances some girls have been named Monroe as a first name. Monroe is a surname, which means it can be used both as a first and last name. It still has a widespread currency to this day, which is a testimony of the popularity of Monroe.
In 2017, there were 2 babies given the name Monreo in Scotland.
Famous People with the Name Monreo
As was previously mentioned, the name Monroe has a name that has rich, historical meaning. Historical persons, places and articles have been connected to the Monroe name. Here are the following:

- James Monroe-5th President of the United States
- Monroe Doctrine- The Monroe Doctrine is a principle of US policy,devised by President James Monroe in 1823 that any nation outside of the United States meddling in its politics is an infringement on the domestic affairs of the nation is to be viewed as a threat to its policies.
- Monroe Louisiana. The mayor of Monroe Louisiana is Jamie Mayo.
- Monroe Morton-Famous African American builder or developer. Monroe Morton built the Monroe Building and Morton Theater, both located in Athens, Georgia.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Scottish boys’ names.