Meaning and Origin of the Boys’ Name “Reade”
The name Reade is both a boys’ given name and a surname. Variations of the name Reade include Read, Reed, Reede, Reid, Rede, Ried, and Red.

The name Reade is of Scottish origin. The meaning of Reade is “red-headed” or “the red” in Scottish. The meaning refers to red hair or a ruddy complexion. However, some variations of the name have muddied origins with possible meanings derived from the plant “reed” or from the place name “ried,” which means “from the clearing.”
Reade is more commonly a surname than a given name.
The most common variant of Reade is Reid, which is the 11th most common surname in Scotland.
The popularity of Reade is that Reade was not in the 100 most popular baby boys’ name in Scotland in 2019.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other Scottish boys’ names.