There are unique Scottish boys names that are popular in Scotland, but not anywhere else. Here is a list of some of them:

1. Rory, meaning “red or ruddy”
2. Calum, meaning “dove”.
3. Finlay, meaning “hero”.
4. Angus, meaning “strong”.
5. Hamish, a form of James. It either means “supplanter” or “God will protect”.
6. Malcolm, meaning “servant”.
7. Alasdair, a form of Alexander, meaning “defender of men”.
8. Kenneth, meaning “handsome”.
9. Murray, meaning “settlement by the sea”.
10. Iain, a form of John, meaning “God id Gracious”.
11. Grahem, which is becoming more popular in the U.S. It was originally a surname, probably from a place in England, called Grantham.
These names come from the original Scottish Gaelic language.
The most popular, not so unique Scottish boys names are: Jack, James, Oliver, Logan, and Lewis.
Logan was at one time a surname. Not it is a popular first name, and it means “hollow”. Aidan, another popular name, means “fire”. Cameron, also a popular name, means “crooked nose”.